Monday, November 15, 2010

Shooting with Paul at his secret spot.

So, as you may remember, our photographer friend Paul promised to take us shooting at his favourite Cape Town secret spot.  Bright and early Saturday morning we met him in the parking lot of X, caffeinated and ready to go. It really was a gorgeous day.

The point of the exercise was two-fold. Shannon needed to learn how to use Chris' digital camera, so she spent most of the day taking photos of a bottle cap and her watch to try and understand how things are sometimes dark and sometimes light and sometimes blurry and other times not so blurry. Chris wanted to check out the ancient Zenith camera he inherited from his gran (the Grannny Cam) and pick up a few tips from Paul as to how to take photos which melt your face, something Paul happens to be very good at. We spent a good six hours romping on the rocks with our photographer friends Tegan, Matt and Fran, and meeting some cool impromptu portrait models - the most memorable and awesome being Rafeeqa, who had a really cool smurf T-Shirt and patiently sat for us for hours, smiling beatifically. We really enjoyed her. Thanks Rafeeqa!

Because we promised Paul we wouldn't tell anyone where his best kept secret spot was, we can't tell you where Paul's best kept secret spot is. But if you guess, and we, like, don't say your wrong and stuff, then that's not really telling, is it? So log onto the FB page and gives us your best guess, and if we don't say your wrong, then your right and you can win something awesome, which we can't tell you about either. Paul says that, if you follow what he calls 'the chicken bone trail,' you'll find his spot and most of the other best spots in CT. We did, so should you. See where it leads you.

So we're extremely excited to see how the Zenith shots came out. They're being developed today, so we'll post them later. They may be all white and over-exposed, but they better not be because they cost like R20 a shot. Overall, we had an awesome day. Check out the vid below.

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